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in General by (4.7k points)
  • We do not collect taxes for international locations since we ship from California, USA.
  • Customers are responsible for any taxes imposed by Customs in Canada (if applicable), just like they would be paid if you ordered from a retailer that ships from within Canada. However, small order values usually pass through without taxes being collected.
  • Orders under 3 pounds requested to be shipped via Economy Shipping are shipped via DHL eCommerce, with final delivery by Canada Post and no additional fees.
  • Orders over 3 pounds or orders requested to be shipped via Priority Shipping are usually shipped via DHL EXPRESS, DHL EXPRESS usually charges a $10 to $15 CAD fee on delivery.

Wherever possible, if your order is over 3 pounds, we will break it down into smaller parcels, but we also recommend that you keep your orders small or place multiple smaller orders.

  • 7-14 Business Days average delivery
  • Ships via DHL eCommerce, unless order is over 3 Pounds, in which case may ship via DHL EXPRESS.
  • Includes guaranteed proof of processing and limited tracking. Approx. 10% of parcels will show tracking all the way to Delivery (if shipped via DHL EXPRESS for example and depends on destination), approx. 90% will have limited tracking but will still be delivered.

  • 4-7 Business Days average delivery
  • Ships via DHL EXPRESS or an expedited version of DHL eCommerce
  • Includes guaranteed proof of processing and full tracking on most parcels. Approx. 90% of parcels will show tracking all the way to Delivery, 10% will have limited tracking but will still be delivered (depends on destination).



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