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in Toner by (4.7k points)
In order for the chip to function properly, you will need to download the firmware for Samsung MLT-D101S chip. To do this, please visit https://sites.google.com/site/samsungdownloads1/ and follow the firmware installation instructions, which can also be found here https://sites.google.com/site/samsungdownloads1/installation-manual.

Any stickers covering the contacts may be removed if they in fact do block any actual contact between the chip and the printer. However, please follow the steps in the links above before removing anything from the cartridge and moving forward. 

Make sure than when you run the firmware install, the 
printer has to be connected to the computer via a 
printer cable, not the wireless connection.

Update 4-1-2013:

The latest Samsung Firmware updates are provided at: 


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